Free Children's traditional Indian Classical Dance classes. Bharathanatyam (Kalakshethra Style)...
Chen Tai Chi – Monday
Tai chi is a great way to start your week with gentle exercises in a friendly atmosphere. Everyone...
Howick Quilting Friends – Saturday Group
Howick Quilting Friends is a small group of very friendly, like-minded ladies who meet monthly to...
Physiotherapy Services
Age Concern Cantonese Speaking East Auckland Friendship Group
Please come along to our new Cantonese speaking monthly East Auckland Friendship Group led by our...
Anchorage Quilters
Our weekly group meets to complete individual craft projects.
Free Learn to Draw Class for Children – Tuesday
Has your child ever shown an interest in drawing? If the answer is yes, then this is the class for...
Pilates with Tina
Welcome to Pilates, a workout for everybody, regardless of gender, age, race or current fitness...
Tai Chi Thursday PM Class with Lian Liu
Tai Chi with Lian Liu Tai chi is a Chinese martial art that combines gentle...
Eastern Suburbs Seniors Club
A positive friendly group for ages South Africans to come together fortnightly.
Shakthi Seniors Charitable Trust Incorporated
Positive ageing program for multi-ethnic seniors.
Warm Up Winter – Soup Fridays
The Howick and Pakuranga Community Houses Inc Society Board are excited to announce, at HIGHLAND...
Arab New Zealand Cultural Society
Social awareness of Arabic culture and intercultural understanding.
Sathya Sai Centre Howick and Pakuranga
Love All, Serve All Ethical transformation through selfless love and service The Sri Sathya Sai...
Chinese Tea Group
Chinese women support and friendship group
Divine Life Prayer Group
Friendship and Fellowship
Tai Chi Chuan for Beginners with Stacy
Approved community group strength and balance programme. Gentle exercise for all ages. Perfect for...
Narcotics Anonymous
If using drugs is causing problems in your life, NA can help. NA is made up of addicts who are...
Knitters Operation Coverup – Mission without Borders
WITH EVERY STITCH YOU GIVE HOPE Kiwis all across New Zealand unite to knit thousands of blankets...
Shiv Yog – Meditation/Spiritual
Meditation for Health and well-being.
Mrs Y Professional Education
Chinese, Mathematics and Art Education for children aged 4 to 15 years old.